What did Gavin Casalegno do? Anti-feminist likes controversy explained as breakout star faces cancel

Publish date: 2024-04-29

The Summer I Turned Pretty star Gavin Casalegno is now getting blasted across social media platforms after his Instagram and X (formerly known as Twitter) activity was publicized. Netizens ousted the actor for his allegedly conservative, anti-vaccine, transphobic and anti-feminist political beliefs.

At the time of writing this article, he had not publicly addressed the controversy.

For those unversed, Gavin Casalegno is a 24-year-old actress best known for playing the bisexual character of Jeremiah Fisher in Amazon Prime Video’s The Summer I Turned Pretty. The youngster was quick to become a fan-favorite for his charm and his support for the LGBTQ community. Since then, he has amassed nearly five million followers on Instagram.

However, it seems like he has now landed himself in hot waters. Reddit user u/Embarrassed_Ask1111 recently took to the r/Fauxmoi forum to reveal that Gavin Casalegno is not as liberal as fans might believe he is. The netizen attached a screenshot of a video by the Instagram page masculinerevival which read:

“When you find out she’s unvaxxed, not a feminist, loves the Lord, and aspired to be a wife, mother and homemaker.”

The following screenshot revealed that the I am Gabriel star had liked the video.

Gavin Casalegno’s social media activity sparks controversy online

X user @hugsforcolbs tweeted a thread that included all the actor’s controversial social media activity.

It was revealed that Casalegno had liked several tweets by Dean Cain. As per @hugsforcolbs, Cain was a conservative media personality who is- “anti-trans, pro-Kyle- Rittenhouse, pro-many-Republican-talking-points” and also “anti-BLM.” Casalegno’s X ‘likes’ also included positive tweets about the Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, known for his anti-abortion stance.

Gavin’s father, Bryan Casalegno, was also blasted on social media after his X activity surfaced online. X user @ravngirls uncovered that the latter followed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Libs of Tiktok, and Andrew Tate on X.

The X user also revealed that Bryan had liked an article which read:

“Most Americans believe the FBI is covering up the Biden family’s crimes”

@hugsforcolbs also revealed that Gavin Casalegno had taken to Instagram to publicly show support to Israel during the country’s conflict with Palestine. The actor had allegedly liked Instagram posts that read:

“Israel is under attack by hamas. 50+ terrorists have reportedly entered Israel from Gaza. Please Prayer for Israel.”

The X user also attached a screenshot of a Reddit post that revealed that Gavin Casalegno changed drastically between the first two seasons of The Summer I Turned Pretty. The Reddit post claimed that the actor’s ego became “huge” and that if he was in a bad mood, he would be “extremely difficult to work with/ disrespectful to producers.”

@ravngirls also revealed that the Dallas, Texas-native had liked a “transphobic” Jordan Peterson video, where the motivational speaker reportedly said:

“”Well, that’s not the person’s real core self.” It’s like, “sorry, man, you’ve wandered into unchartered territory there.” First of all, you think you know what constitutes people’s core self. It’s like, really? You really know that do you? Yeah, well, I don’t think so.”

Needless to say, the recently revealed social media activity has left netizens shocked and outraged, many of whom took to social media to respond to the situation:

As mentioned prior, Gavin Casalegno had not publicly addressed the controversy at the time of writing this article.

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