Tamar Braxton Shares Amazing Videos From Last Nights Concert

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Tamar Braxton concerted at Howard Theatre last night, and we hope at least some of our readers made it there.

Anyway, judging by the videos that she shared on her social media account, the concert was definitely great.

Tamar was really excited since yesterday, and she shared a video of another one of her concerts, just to tease her fans and followers a bit with a few exciting images.

Other than this, for Christmas, she was on vacay with her Nigerian new man and her baby boy, Logan.

While some supporters were happy to see Tamar so peaceful and happy as well, others slammed her for keeping Logan with her new man.

Regarding the concert from last night, Tamar shared a couple of explosive videos.


‘The fact that K2 isn’t here to see the magic of “hot sugar” saddens me.. but then again who else is keeping it this lit? #thankyou and also to my #tamartianfriends keeping my flame burning to get up and keep it poppin no matter what!! I love you ALL so much #soldouthoward #sistersrock?? #meetandgreetlit??#moretocome,’ Tamar captioned one of the videos.

People were excited, and they made sure to show off their feelings in the comments section.

One follower wrote ‘Tamartian 4ever… Through the years I have seen you go by without blinking on eye always when it meant “go to work” with admirable disciplines. You are an excellent example of what having a dream, working towards it with passion +great energy+keeping it real + never arrogant and being a great mommy+ daughter+ sister= mega artist.’

The same supporter continued to praise Tamar and said ‘Even sacrificing yourself for the greater good=. You + your God-given amazing voice+ devotion to your love of making beautiful music and loving your fans. Adding your unique sense of style and impeccable always, makes you always a phenomenal woman on a mission, just making beautiful music. Happy New Year!’


Congratulations, Tamar for being able to trigger such amazing feelings of joy in your fans!
