Rod Stewart is pissed off that his daughter is knocked up with no career

Publish date: 2024-04-17

The Daily Mail has one of their lengthy speculative pieces on Kimberly Stewart’s pregnancy after some kind of fling with Benicio Del Toro. You can tell they’re drawing their own conclusions about the situation, but they make some good points in that bitchy wordy way of theirs. (Takes one to know one.)

They note that Kimbo’s dad Rod Stewart hasn’t issued a statement about his daughter’s pregnancy and won’t respond to requests for comment. This is telling since Rod even issued a statement when his son Sean got engaged to a woman he met at rehab. They also report that dad Rod pays both Kimberly, 31, and Sean, 30, £12,000 a month (or about $19,500 USD) “through gritted teeth because he feels they are grown up and should be taking care of themselves.” Neither of Rod’s children from his first marriage has any career to speak of and he just recently bitched about it to the press.

What’s more is that Kimberly got knocked up by Benicio when she went home with him after they met at the Chateau Marmont hotel. The Mail reminds us that this is the same hotel where Benicio screwed Scarlett Johansson in the elevator. (Allegedly, he doesn’t confirm or deny this but seems to take pride in the rumor.)

Benicio is a total playa
From what her friends can gather, their encounter took place at his Hollywood apartment after a meeting at the Chateau Marmont hotel. It seems to have been casual.

Del Toro, who is rumoured to have made love to actress Scarlett Johansson in a lift at the same hotel after an awards ceremony, has a rather unsavoury reputation in this area, which he is at no pains to dispel.

He told Esquire magazine: ‘Did I ever have sex in an elevator with Scarlett Johansson after an awards show…let’s leave that to somebody’s imagination. Let’s not promote it. I’m sure it has happened before. It might not be the last time, either,’ he smirked.

He is, then, a toxic bachelor and proud of it. He calls his bachelor pad a ‘cave’ and, asked why he’s never married, he said: ‘Why do I have to get married? So I can get divorced?’

Kimbo has no career and this pisses off her dad
However, it seems the chief problem is that Kimberly has reached the age of 31 without finding her métier in life. She has worked, but — as is customary in the world of Hollywood socialites — only here and there. She toiled in a LA-based clothes shop for a few weeks, worked as a model on and off for several years, and had a little-watched reality TV show.

She even started her own clothes label when she was 19, but it foundered because she couldn’t get the supply chain to work.

Rod pays for his kids and complains that they’re not working
He joked that he and wife Penny Lancaster would definitely stop having children, as that brings his total by various women to eight. ‘Otherwise I will be touring until I’m 90 to pay for them all,’ he chortled…

He is thought to pay Sean and Kimberly, his children by actress Alana Hamilton, £12,000 a month in living expenses between them, and there is a sense he does so through gritted teeth because he feels they are grown up and should be taking care of themselves.

But now Kimberly is starting a family herself — and she doesn’t even have a career to take a break from. Does Rod regret being so indulgent?

‘I bloody well am strict,’ he said last month. ‘I grew up in a house a fifth the size of my gym. I believe in tough love...but I wish one of them would get a job. It’d be nice to see another wage slip coming into the house.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Buried in all that is the rumor “that Kimberly has been offered another reality TV series, this time about bringing up the baby as a single mum on Rod’s estate.” She’s staying at Rod’s mansion in LA while he’s in England with his third wife, Penny Lancaster and their two children, Alastair, 5, and Aiden, 2 months. The Mail reminds us that “Rod has always refused to let the children film on the property [in LA]” although I could see him being less strict about that if it saves him $20k a month. Kimberly will probably get some kind of child support from Benecio, but it’s not going to be as high as the amount her dad is paying her.

No one cares much about this girl, but the fact that she’s knocked up with Benecio Del Toro’s baby definitely makes her more interesting. The Mail quotes her as saying at some point that she wants kids and a career “I’m going into that next stage in my life of being really grown-up. I know what I want now. A nice husband, good career and babies.” Maybe she sees a baby by a movie star as her gateway to a “good career” the Kardashian way. It’s almost as if she planned it.

Here’s Kimbo at Coachella last year, 4/17/10. She’s also shown on 12/3/09. There aren’t many recent photos of her but now that she’s pregnant we might see some. I forsee a Robertson Boulevard outing in her near future. Rod Stewart is shown performing on 4/2/11 in Toronto. Benicio is shown looking like ass on 12/7/10. He looks like such a slimeball. Credit:






