
Publish date: 2024-04-30

In this article, you'll learn about a type of therapy called Tragerwork. This is a method developed by Dr. Milton Trager, and it's been found to be effective in treating people with MS. The article covers how Tragerwork works, the work of the practitioner, and case studies that support the effectiveness of the technique.

Dr. Milton Trager's work

The Trager Approach is a healing method that was developed by Dr. Milton Trager. This therapy combines a variety of techniques, including heart-brain coherence, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, and mindfulness.

It is a system of body learning that promotes greater physical mobility, comfort, and awareness. Sessions include a variety of playful movements, gentle bouncing, stroking, and touch.

Milton Trager developed the Trager Approach as a remedy for congenital spinal deformity. He also worked on many other diseases, including strokes, infantile paralysis, and other conditions.

After graduating from medical school in Mexico, Trager went to a clinic in Hawaii. At the time, he was a drugless practitioner. But he became intrigued by patterns of movement in response to injury or illness.

Trager spent a number of years treating paralysis and polio. He found that by putting his hands over a patient's hands, he could alleviate muscle spasms.

While he was developing his approach, he met a woman named Betty Fuller. She became his first student. They married and moved to Lakeforest, a community in southern California.

Practitioner certification

Practitioner certification in Tragerwork is a recognized certification for licensed massage therapists worldwide. This form of therapy is extremely relaxing and non-invasive. It can ease a variety of ailments, including chronic pain, stress, and anxiety.

Before beginning Tragerwork, it is a good idea to consult your physician. If you have recently undergone surgery or are suffering from cardiovascular disease, you should not take part in Trager.

Trager is a therapeutic method that combines guided physical exercises with mindful touch. It is a gentle, relaxing approach that helps release deep-seated muscle tension and tensions in the nervous system.

The technique is based on the belief that every physical ailment has a psychic counterpart in the unconscious mind. A practitioner of the technique can help guide clients into deeper awareness of these habits.

In order to qualify for the certification program, students must be at least 25 years old and have a college degree. Students must also complete a 15-day (150-hour) curriculum.

Studies on Tragerwork's effectiveness in MS

The MS@Work study is an observational cohort study that is being conducted in the Netherlands. A total of 350 patients with relapsing-remitting MS are participating. These participants will undergo neurological and cognitive examinations. They will also be asked to complete online questionnaires after six months.

One of the most interesting things about this study is that it looks at both cognitive and physical measures. This is important because these two factors are important predictors of employment status.

Cognitive functions such as processing speed have been shown to be important in predicting employment status. Studies have been conducted to assess the effects of different treatments on these factors.

In the context of MS, it is important to look at cognitive function and how it affects a person's ability to perform work activities. Studies have also found that cognitive decline is one of the primary predictors of work disability.

A study in the Netherlands showed that productivity loss was a significant factor in MS-related costs. Studies have also reported that the cost of losing employment can be as high as the cost of healthcare.

Case studies

The Trager approach is an effective, gentle and effective technique for treating neuromuscular disorders. It is an alternative treatment for chronic muscle pain and stress.

The practitioner uses gentle, rhythmic touch and exercises to induce a state of relaxation and freeing in the patient. This allows the client to break out of a pattern of restrictive muscle patterns.

When done correctly, the technique can help relieve stress, balance, and paralysis. Some clients have also reported relief from migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, and nerve problems.

To become a certified Trager practitioner, you need a college degree and a minimum of 15 days of study. You also must be over the age of 25.

Although it is not known why this therapy works, it appears to be beneficial for neuromuscular conditions such as chronic pain. In addition, some practitioners report success with conditions such as muscular dystrophy and Parkinson's disease.

Trager is a somatic educator. He focuses on body control over strength and endurance. Instead of relying on a physical diagnosis, he looks at the emotional factors behind the condition.
