Is it worth pre-ordering Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition?

Publish date: 2024-05-11

Hogwarts Legacy is scheduled to arrive for PC and current-gen consoles on February 10, 2023. The upcoming open-world action RPG set in the Wizarding World universe is one of the biggest AAA games to be released this year. With that said, fans can't wait and their excitement is clearly evident after the game rose to the top of Steam's charts for pre-purchases.

Hogwarts Legacy comes in two main editions: Standard and Deluxe. For those looking forward to the ambitious game, here's why the Deluxe Edition may or may not be for you.

This article reflects the personal views of the author.

The Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition has some interesting additions that may convince players to purchase it

With the Standard Edition, players will only receive the base Hogwarts Legacy game. Here's what the Deluxe Edition comes with:

It should be noted that pre-ordering Hogwarts Legacy before launch will reward players with the following bonus, regardless of what Edition they own:

Owners of the PlayStation version are certainly in for a treat. Pre-ordering the game on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 will grant players access to the Felix Felicis Potion Recipe, a consumable that reveals all treasures on the map for an entire in-game day.

Additionally, the blue team will receive an exclusive in-game side mission called Haunted Hogsmeade Shop. While it's not a pre-order bonus, it will come exclusively with Sony's gaming consoles and will remain locked to them for a year. Players can expect to see the exclusive side mission arrive on other platforms on February 10, 2024.

Is the Deluxe Edition worth the extra money?

To summarize, PlayStation fans benefit the most from pre-ordering the game. There's not much going on for the Deluxe Edition besides some cosmetics and the Dark Arts Battle Arena. The latter is a brand new in-game area that provides players with waves of enemies to defeat in combat. Here, players can even use the dreaded Unforgivable Curses to their heart's extent, such as Avada Kedavra, a spell that instantly kills its target.

While most cosmetics are unlikely to affect the protagonist's stats, the Garrison Hat could potentially be an equippable headwear that affects the player in some manner.

All in all, players who purchase the Deluxe Edition will have an edge over the Standard Edition owners, especially with early access allowing Deluxe Edition owners to play the game on February 7, 2023. However, it's likely that all content will be available to purchase separately, aside from perhaps the pre-order bonuses.

If players aren't interested in what the Deluxe Edition offers, then it's definitely not worth the asking price and they should stick to the base game. Recent rumors suggest that Hogwarts Legacy will have a ton of content to enjoy.

Hogwarts Legacy releases on February 10, 2023 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. While the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions will be released on April 4, 2023, the Nintendo Switch version will be the last one to arrive on June 25, 2023.

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