How to unlock, use, and more

Publish date: 2024-04-21

The Canted laser sight in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is a highly effective attachment often overlooked by players. Despite its exceptional accuracy, it is severely underrated in the game. This attachment is a fantastic option for those who prefer a more versatile and dynamic approach to combat.

Unlike other optics in the game, the Canted laser sight doesn't have many downsides. It offers exceptional accuracy, almost as precise as the more famous Red/Blue Dot sights in the game. In Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, to use the Canted laser sight, players will have to unlock the Canted Vibro-Dot 7.

This attachment offers a range of benefits that can enhance a player's gameplay. Hence, using it is highly recommended. This guide will take a closer look at the benefits of the Canted Vibro-Dot 7, the most effective way of using the laser, and the process for unlocking it.

Guide to unlocking and using the Canted Vibro-Dot 7 in Warzone 2

Before discussing how to use the Canted Vibro-Dot 7 effectively, players will need to unlock the laser. Thankfully, acquiring it is quite simple and can be had pretty early in the game. To obtain it, players must first reach a profile level of 19. This will unlock the TAQ-56 Assault Rifle.

Once the TAQ-56 is unlocked, players must equip it and play a few matches to level up the gun. When the weapon reaches level 10, the Canted Vibro-Dot 7 laser will be unlocked in Warzone 2. Players can now equip it with all the guns that support the attachment.

It is essential to note that if the Canted Vibro-Dot 7 laser is equipped, users won't be able to use any other optic sights on their weapon.

To maximize its effectiveness, players must equip it with guns that traditionally have a slower aim-down sight speed, such as Assault Rifles, Battle Rifles, and LMGs. Although one can use them with Marksman Rifles as well, using the Canted laser with guns in this category removes the ability to aim down sights further, thus nullifying the weapon's purpose.

Hence, it is recommended to use this with weapons using which players are more likely to engage in short to medium-range fights. Moreover, it is advised that players should only use the Canted Vibro-Dot 7 if they are going for aggressive plays. Thus, making it an ideal choice in Warzone 2's Resurgence mode, where the map is small, and the action is intense.

What are the benefits of using a Canted laser over traditional Red Dot sight?

The Canted Vibro-Dot 7 comes with a lot of advantages. Unlike other Optics that decrease the aim-down sight speed, Canted Vibro-Dot 7 increases it making it ideal for players who like to be aggressive. Having the same accuracy as other optics without any penalty for speed and an increase in sprint-to-fire speed, the Canted laser is an excellent alternative to Red/Blue Dot optics.

Moreover, the Canted Vibro-Dot 7 removes many visibility issues plaguing the game. It rids off the visual recoil, making it easier to see where the bullets are going and more likely to hit the targets. Apart from this, unlike other sights in the game, it doesn't obstruct visibility in any meaningful way, thus providing players with a clear vision of their surroundings.

This is all there is to know about unlocking the Canted Vibro-Dot 7 and using it in Warzone 2. It comes with a lot of benefits that most sights in the game don't. The only disadvantage of using a Canted laser is not being able to shoot targets over longer distances accurately. Also, since players can't use long-range scopes with the Canted Vibro-Dot 7 equipped, it is not ideal for engaging in longer distances.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 are available for download on PC (via and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5.

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