How to get Northlander Billets in Genshin Impact

Publish date: 2024-06-08

Genshin Impact has introduced many craftable 4-star weapons that are more useful than some that can be obtained from the weapon banners. Players can visit the blacksmiths in any region to check what 4-star weapons can be crafted and which materials are required to craft them.

The most important material required to craft these weapons is the Northlander Billets. These items are rare forging materials used to forge 4-star weapons. This article dives into how players can get their hands on the elusive Northlander Billets in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact: Players can get Northlander Billets through souvenir shops and weekly bosses

Northlander Billets in the souvenir shop (Image via HoYoverse)

Northlander billets can be obtained of various types:

There are various sources to obtain these Northlander Billets. However, the easiest way for players to get them is through souvenir shops. As of this writing, there are four souvenir shops for players to discover, one located in Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru.

Travelers can visit Mondstadt's souvenir shop to obtain a piece of Northlander Sword Billet and Inazuma's souvenir shop to obtain bow, catalyst, claymore, and polearm billets.

Souvenir shops allow players to exchange sigils for Northlander Billets. These shops do not restock so players can only get one copy of each billet through the shops.

Another method players can use to obtain Northlander Billets is by defeating weekly bosses in Genshin Impact. Weekly bosses are stronger than normal enemies and drop better rewards than normal enemies.

Defeating weekly bosses will spawn a trounce domain blossom and players can choose to claim the rewards in exchange for 30 original resins. There is a chance that the rewards will drop Northlander Billets depending on the world level and domain level of the account.

Players can defeat the following weekly bosses to have a chance to obtain billets:

After the release of Inazuma, players were introduced to Sacred Sakura in Narukami Shrine in Inazuma, where travelers can offer electro sigils to increase the levels in exchange for rewards such as intertwined or acquaint fates, billets, and more.

Sacred Sakura have their respective billets as rewards at the following levels:

It's noteworthy that there are also some world quests and hidden places in Genshin Impact where players can find treasure chests that will drop Northlander Billets.

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