How to fix, possible reasons, and more

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Overwatch 2 is officially out, and players are having a great time trying out some of the amazing gameplay features that the new franchise entry offers.

The Watchpoint Pack is one such purchasable feature that Overwatch players will be able to enjoy in the new shooter. However, additional content has also been causing a lot of problems for console users, especially for those who are on the PlayStation and Xbox platforms.

Many console players have received the “Watchpoint Pack not working” error code, which is usually caused when the game is unable to successfully download additional content to their systems.

Often, the pack is not working or showing up on the PS5 and Xbox One and as a result, many users are not being able to enjoy Overwatch 2 on both platforms.

Therefore, today’s guide will go over some of the fixes that players can try out to fix the “Watchpoint Pack not working” error code on the Sony and Microsoft consoles.

How to fix the Overwatch 2 “Watchpoint Pack not working” on PS5 and Xbox

Before moving on to the fix for the Overwatch 2 “Watchpoint Pack not working” error on the PlayStation and Xbox consoles, it’s important to note here that the issue is only occurring for those who have purchased the Watchpoint Pack. The pack costs USD$40 on all platforms and is not a free DLC that Overwatch 1 players will be able to access when shifting to the sequel.

Only after purchasing the Watchpoint Pack will players be able to get their hands on the exclusive skins and bonuses that they have to offer. However, additional content has been creating problems for PS5 and Xbox One users, as it keeps prompting them to download Overwatch 1 to be able to launch the sequel and access the additional content.

Here are some steps that players can take to make sure that they no longer face the “Watchpoint Pack not working” error in Overwatch 2:

1) Make sure that the pack is installed correctly

Since Overwatch 1 is no longer available to download, players will not be allowed to fix the issue by simply downloading the game. Hence, console players on the PS5 and Xbox One will need to make sure that they have downloaded the Watchpoint Pack correctly.

One way to do it will be to check for the latest version of Overwatch 2 and upload it to the most recent version of the game.

2) Make sure there is no trace of Overwatch 1 in the system

Another reason why this issue may be occurring for players on PS5 and Xbox One would be if Overwatch 1 still exists on their console. The downloaded Watchpoint Pack might be creating a conflict between the two games. Hence, uninstalling and deleting Overwatch 1 from the system is likely going to fix the issue right away.

3) Re-installing the game

One of the most drastic steps that a player can take to solve the “Watchpoint Pack not working” error in Overwatch 2 is to uninstall and then re-install the game from scratch along with the additional content.

When doing this, they will once again need to make sure that Overwatch 1 is no longer in their system.

What does the Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Pack come with?

The Watchpoint Pack comes with the following collectibles that players will be able to get their hands on:

Overwatch 2 is now officially live, and players will be able to enjoy the shooter on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.

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