Aubrey Black: Porn star on life raising her two kids

Publish date: 2024-05-11

AUBREY Black isn’t your average mum.

The single mother-of-two is a professional porn star and escort — a career the 42-year-old turned to just six years ago.

Black has travelled the world as part of her job, making hundreds of thousands of dollars in the adult entertainment industry.

Born in New Zealand before making a permanent move to Australia 16 years ago, the businesswoman and model never expected to venture into the sex industry in her 30s — especially while raising two children on her own.

“I was raised a Mormon girl, which I practised into my 30s and even raised my children that way,” Black told

“I was working as a photographer, doing some graphic design work and I understood marketing very well. And for me, I was able to use that knowledge to propel my brand forward.”

Using the alias Aubrey Black, she said she met a group of escorts through her photography business during a shoot. It was there she discovered how lucrative the industry could be.

“My daughter was working with me on shoots, and was my right hand,” Black, who lives on the Gold Coast and is a regular at Sexpo events around the country, explained.

“But during the years when we were living in the US, she fell in love with a boy from Dallas and moved back to be with him. I was lost without her as I couldn’t manage shooting alone while looking after my young son.

“The escort I photographed was staying across the road from me, and I could see how often she was getting booked for jobs. She was in and out of her room every five minutes.

“I thought sh*t, she’s making some serious coin. So I decided to discuss with my then boyfriend what he thought about the industry, and he thought it was hot and loved the idea.

“I did my research to find out who was the best in the industry and how they marketed themselves. I created a profile by using pieces of [marketing by] women who I thought were the best in the business and within two months, I couldn’t stop the phone.”

Black started her career as an escort, but soon moved into pornography films as a subsequent income and area to experience.

“I made a lot of money very quickly with escorting,” she said. “I told my son, who was 10 at the time, that I was doing dates with men for money. He was too young for me to say: ‘Hey, I’m f**king for money’.

“He understood at first. But over the years he asked to see photos of the men, and as soon as I said ‘no’ he started to do his own detective work.

“Now, Bailey [who is 17] is going through a phase where he is angry with me. But every teen goes through a phase.

“My daughter Chavonne wasn’t happy with it ... but she was older when she found out.”

Black said even before her career, she never quite fitted in with the other mums at school.

“I have a bit of school phobia, even before I started doing all of this,” she said.

“People thought I was a sl*t even before I did all of this, simply because of the way I looked.

“I tried to parent help in class ... to work in the cafe to do lunches. The school used to get me to come into do design stuff when my daughter was at school, but the boys got silly.

“It became an issue so I didn’t come back.”

Black said her son, who is now 17, and daughter, 26, accept her lifestyle — but admits she does have regret about being away from them while working overseas.

“It’s not easy to have a mum who travels 24/7, and there should’ve been times when I stayed home more,” she said.

“I have a small window with this because of my age. I don’t love it, but I am grateful for what it’s been able to provide financially for us ... I once made $850,000 in one year just as an escort.”

Black said her family, including her elderly mother, also know and accept her career choices.

“Some were only told this year, including my mum who is 80,” she said.

“I had a feeling my mum knew, when I told her she said: ‘At the end of the day, the heavenly father takes into consideration what is in a person’s heart.’

“She knows I am doing this to look after a lot of people.”

Black said her most popular clients were married men who wanted to meet with her during business hours, and that she had no real restrictions when it came to client requests.

“I don’t care what a person looks like, there’s no judgment,” she said.

“I’ve had a 90-year-old client, and right down to young men. But the young ones are a nightmare. They want to try and do gymnastics and think it’s real sex.

“I work business hours and not at night, because during the day is when men mainly do it and when wives won’t notice.

“I charge $700 for a basic girlfriend experience, which is about an hour and they will get sex with a girlfriend. A vanilla, boring girlfriend.”

Sexpo kicks off in Melbourne from November 16 to 19. For more information, check out

Inside Sexpo
