All main story bosses in Resident Evil 4 remake

Publish date: 2024-04-13

The Resident Evil 4 remake is easily one of the best "modern" survival-horror titles out there, very much in-line with Capcom's own Resident Evil 2 remake as well as the recently released one for Dead Space by EA Motive. Much like the original Resident Evil 4, the newly released remake features some really incredible boss fights that are equally as spectacular as they are terrifying and challenging.

Being a remake, it sees the return of all the original bosses including Del Lago, Bitores Mendez, Verdugo, Krauser, Osmund Saddler, and more. With a new coat of paint (thanks to the RE engine) and vastly expanded moveset as well as some key changes made to the overall look and feel of the boss fights, the Resident Evil 4 remake massively aims to improve over the original.

Boss fights are one of the key aspects of the gameplay loop in any Resident Evil title, and something that, much like the original source material, Resident Evil 4 remake excels at delivering.

This is done with quality boss encounters such as the El Gigante twins, Bitores Mendez, Krauser, and the final boss of the game, Saddler. Here's a look at all the bosses that players will face in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

From El Gigante to Osmund Saddler, a list of all the main story bosses in Resident Evil 4 remake

While most boss fights in the Resident Evil 4 remake are structurally similar to the 2005 original, developer Capcom has made a few key changes in certain selections to bring the experience closer to modern survival-horror standards. The tweaks made to the encounters and even locations are also a result of the gameplay improvements and additions made to the remake.

Leon's ability to parry certain attacks using his Combat Knife and also being able to use stealth to dispatch enemies silently, are all incorporated into the boss fights, which makes these encounters much more engaging compared to the 2005 original. Here's a list of all the big battles that players will encounter as they progress through the story in the Resident Evil 4 remake:

1) Del Lago (Chapter 3)

Del Lago is an enormous plaga-infected amphibian-like creature and one of the earliest bosses in the game. Players will need to use harpoons to deal damage and ultimately defeat it, all while trying to steer clear of its insta-kill grab attacks.

2) El Gigante (Chapter 4)

El Gigante is one of the most iconic enemies of Resident Evil 4, who is made even more intimidating with the game's modern remake. Players will need to shoot the weak points on the boss, i.e., its knees and face to stagger and ultimately defeat it.

3) Bella Sisters (Chapter 6)

The Bella Sisters are the chainsaw-wielding twins who are easily one of the most challenging boss encounters in the game. Players will need to parry their ' melee attacks while dealing damage using their ranged weapons. The shotgun is the best that can be used against the Sisters, granted they do have sufficient ammo for the weapon.

4) Bitores Mendez (Chapter 6)

Much like in the original Resident Evil 4, Bitores Mendez is a great boss fight that concludes the first half of the story in the remake. Players will need to shoot the weak points on the Mendez's body, i.e., his tentacles and legs, to immobilize and defeat him.

5) Garrador (Chapter 7)

The Garrador is a fast and powerful boss in the Resident Evil 4 remake, who is also blind. Players will need to use stealth and deal damage to his weak point, i.e., his back, in order to defeat it.

6) El Gigante Armored (Chapter 8)

The El Gigante Armored is basically a rehash of the El Gigante boss, but with additional hit points, armor, and a few new moves. Players won't be able to deal any damage to it using their normal weapons. Instead, they will need to use a cannon on the other side of the arena to penetrate the boss' armor and ultimately defeat it.

7) Twin Garrador (Chapter 10)

The Twin Garradors are among the most challenging boss fights in the Resident Evil 4 remake. It will require players to use stealth to defeat the bosses, while also trying to avoid getting grabbed by other enemies present within the area.

8) Verdugo (Chapter 10)

The Verdugo, much like the Armored El Gigante, does not take any damage from traditional weapons. Instead, players will need to freeze the boss first using the environmental traps before they can deal any damage to it.

9) Twin El Gigante (Chapter 11)

The Twin El Gigante boss fight sees players go up against a normal and an armored variant at the same time. Fortunately, players will be accompanied by Luis. which somewhat alleviates the pressure of having to manage and defeat two El Gigantes.

10) Jack Krauser (Chapter 11)

The first encounter against Krauser sees players engaging with the boss in a knife battle, where they will be stripped off of their arsenal and left with only their Combat Knife. Players will need to parry Krauser's attacks and combos to stagger him, allowing them to deal damage to the boss.

11) Ramon Salazar (Chapter 12)

Much like Mendez, Ramon Salazar transforms into a massive creature with multiple tentacles and limbs that players can target to stagger and deal damage to the boss.

12) Mutated Jack Krauser (Chapter 14)

Players go up against Krauser one last time after defeating Salazar, where the former military veteran transforms into a mutated form. They will need to taget the weak spots on his arms to stagger and deal damage to the boss.

13) Osmund Saddler (Chapter 16)

The final boss of the Resident Evil 4 remake, Osmund Saddler provides what is easily one of the most spectacular boss fights in the game. Players will need to shoot the eyes on Saddler's mutated body to stagger and deal damage to him.

The boss fights in the Resident Evil 4 remake can be quite challenging, especially in difficulties higher than "Standard." However, with proper resource management, upgraded weapons, plenty of ammunition, and a few well-timed parries, players can easily defeat these bosses.

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